AES FERC Registered Entities
The entities listed below are separate legal entities, each of which acts through its duly appointed officers. No listed entity is responsible for or acts on behalf of any of the other legal entities listed here. Each of the entities listed below is an indirect subsidiary of The AES Corporation, headquartered in Arlington, VA.

AES Alamitos
AES Alamitos, LLC owns a generation station located in Long Beach, California, comprised of three gas-fired units with a combined capacity of 1153 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Alamitos Energy
ES Alamitos Energy, LLC owns a gas-fired combined cycle generation station of approximately 640 MW in Long Beach, California. Commercial operations began February 6, 2020.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES ES Alamitos, LLC
AES ES Alamitos, LLC owns and operates a 100 MW Battery Energy Storage System in Southern California.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Energy Storage
AES Energy Storage, LLC is a developer of battery energy storage system (BESS) facilities. It currently is developing a 40 MW BESS facility for sale, located in Southern California.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES ES Gilbert
AES ES Gilbert, LLC previously owned a 10 MW BESS in Chandler, Arizona. That BESS is no longer in service and AES ES Gilbert is using its market-based rate authority to meet its contractual commitments.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES ES Tait, LLC owns a battery energy storage system located in Cumberland, Maryland with a capacity of 5 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Huntington Beach
AES Huntington Beach, LLC owns a generation station located in Huntington Beach, California, comprised of one gas fired unit with a capacity of 226 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Huntington Beach Energy
AES Huntington Beach Energy, LLC owns a gas-fired combined cycle generation station of approximately 644 MW in Huntington Beach, California.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Integrated Energy
AES Integrated Energy, LLC is a merchant trader that owns no assets but may buy and sell power in interstate commerce.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Laurel Mountain
AES Laurel Mountain, LLC owns 98 MW of wind generation turbines in Randolph County, West Virginia.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

Laurel Mountain BESS
Laurel Mountain BESS, LLC owns a 16 MW BESS near Elkins, West Virginia.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Marketing and Trading
AES Marketing and Trading, LLC is a merchant trader that owns no assets but may buy and sell power in interstate commerce.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

Mountain View Power Partners
Mountain View Power Partners, LLC owns wind generation turbines near Cabazon, California, Riverside County, that, combined, have a nameplate capacity of 67 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

Mountain View Power Partners IV
Mountain View Power Partners IV, LLC owns wind generation turbines near Palm Springs, California, Riverside County, that, combined, have a nameplate capacity of 49 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Ohio Generation
AES Ohio Generation, LLC currently owns no generation assets.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Redondo Beach
AES Redondo Beach, LLC owns a generation station located in Redondo Beach, California, comprised of three gas-fired units with a combined capacity of 830 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Solutions Management, LLC
AES Solutions Management, LLC is a merchant trader that owns no assets but may buy and sell power in interstate commerce.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: Market-based rates

AES Warrior Run
AES WR Limited Partners (aka AES Warrior Run, L.P) owns a coal-fired cogeneration station located in Cumberland, Maryland with an electric capacity of 229 MW.
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: None – Grandfathered Qualified Facility under PURPA

The Dayton Power and Light Company (D/B/A AES Ohio)
The Dayton Power and Light Company is the principal subsidiary of DPL Inc. (DPL), a regional energy provider and an AES company. DPL’s primary subsidiaries include The Dayton Power and Light Company, AES Ohio Generation, LLC (AES Ohio Gen),and Miami Valley Insurance Company (MVIC), and Miami Valley Lighting, LLC (MVLt). The Dayton Power and Light Company, a regulated electric utility, provides service to over 525,000 customers in West Central Ohio; MVIC, a captive insurance company, provides insurance services to DPL and its subsidiaries, and MVLt maintains outdoor lighting to governments and businesses. AES Ohio Gen previously co-owned generation assets, but currently owns no generation assets. For more information about the company, please visit
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: See FERC eTariff system at

Indianapolis Power and Light Company (D/B/A AES Indiana)
Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL), an AES Company, provides retail electric service to more than 500,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Indianapolis, as well as portions of other Central Indiana communities surrounding Marion County. IPL owns generation, transmission and distribution facilities. For more information about the company, please visit
Required Notice: None currently
Tariff: See FERC eTariff system at