Alianza para el medio ambiente
Trabajamos con nuestros aliados para desarrollar programas enfocados en proteger la biodiversidad y la vida sostenible. Estamos comprometidos en servir a nuestras comunidades con un alto nivel de excelencia.

Sea turtle protection program
Since 2011, AES El Salvador has supported initiatives for the protection of the endangered olive...

Bison recovery program
AES México implemented a comprehensive reintroduction program of the American bison into their...

Trees for Indy and Indy Free Tree Day
El programa Árboles para Indy, una alianzas de IPL, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Inc. y DPW/Indy...

Reforestation in Brazil
Through the Mãos na Mata Program, in partnership with SOS Mata Atlântica, AES Brasil promotes...

Recycle with clean points
In 2012, AES Dominicana developed the “Recycle with Clean Points” environmental program by their...

Partnering for the environment
The Geração+ Program aims to promote students’ creativity and leadership through social and...